Feature: Indonesian contest features new colorful sansevieria

Indonesian sansevieria plants are rich in colors, patterns and shape as more and more breeders in the country are able to produce new types.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia’s 2022 National Sansevieria Contest is showcasing new patterns and colors of ornamental plant sansevieria, locally known as ‘lidah mertua’ (tongue of in law), which is part of the Flora and Fauna (Flona) Exhibition taking place at the Banteng Square in Central Jakarta from Aug. 26 to Sept. 26, 2022.
“This time we found an interesting phenomenon, especially in the hybrid small class. In addition to the increasing number of participants, this class also displays new types of hybrids, with good patterns and colors, making the competition very tight,” Sentot Pramono, a member of the jury of the contest, said here on Sunday (Sept. 18).
This shows that Indonesia has more and more breeders of sansevieria plants that are able to produce new types that are not inferior to other countries, he continued.
Muhammad Hatta, one of the judges of the event, said that these new hybrid of Indonesian sansevieria species were not only positively received, but also awaited by local and international lovers of the ornamental plants.

Meanwhile, a senior member of the sansevieria community, Lien, called on the lovers of these ornamental plants to always disseminate information and educate the public about benefits of being involved in efforts to maintain sansevieria plants.
These benefits include maintaining mental health and wealth as well as actively participating in encouraging the national economy because there are many fans of sansevieria, Lien explained.
The advantages of growing sansevieria are very diverse, making many people love the ornamental plant, she said, adding that even, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) researched this plant and released the results that sansevieria is the most effective pollutant-absorbing ornamental plant.
“Another specialty of this plant is that it releases oxyfen all the time so that it is the only plant that is safe in the bedroom,” she noted.
Banteng Sansevieria Community once again held the National Sansevieria Contest under the theme “Sansevieria dihati, Sansevieria dinanti”, or “Sansevieria in the heart, Sansevieria waiting for you”.
After three years of vacuum due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year the community can fulfill the expectations of sansevieria plant lovers throughout Indonesia by holding the 2022 National Sansevieria Contest, the chief executive of the activity, Muhammad Iqbal Ikhzamahe, said.
“This event is not only a competition, but also a place to meet, discuss, share experiences and new knowledge related to sansevieria plants,” he added.

This year’s Flona Exhibition is the 35th one held at the Banteng Square, after the 34th exhibition was held in 2019, under the theme “My Jakarta’s Green Room”.
A total of 120 plants are participating in the contest of Indonesian sansevieria plants whose owners come from various groups, ranging from traders, hobbyists, collectors, breeders or sansevieria plant farmers.
The 2022 National Sansevieria Contest this time is not only taken part by participants from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, but also various sansevieria-loving communities from different regions in Java and Sulawesi.
In this year’s contest, there are eight class categories to be competed, namely a hybrid class with small, medium and main categories; a variegata class with small, medium and main categories; and a ‘pinguicula variegata’ class with small and medium categories.
Reporting by Indonesia Window