Death toll of earthquake in Indonesia’s Cianjur rises to 321

Death toll of earthquake in Indonesia’s Cianjur rose to 321 after the joint SAR team found three more bodies until Sunday (Nov. 27), at 5 p.m. local time, while 11 victims are still missing.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Death toll of earthquake in Indonesia’s district of Cianjur increased to 321 after the joint SAR team found three more bodies, while 11 victims are still declared missing as of Sunday, 5 p.m. local time, an official has said.
“With the discovery of three more bodies on the seventh day, death toll of earthquake in Cianjur district has risen to 321, while 11 victims are still missing,” the Head of Indonesia’s National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB), Suharyanto, told a press conference in Cianjur, Sunday.
On the occasion, Suharyanto also disclosed that there are 108 people with serious injuries, consisting of those who are still under treatment at hospitals in Cianjur, and those who have been sent to other hospitals.
The figure is apart from those who have been suffering diseases after being evacuated to nearby health facilities, he said.
“As of today the joint task force has succeeded in identifying evacuation points. There are 325 evacuation points in Cianjur district,” the BNPB head added.
“The number of refugees recorded as of today is 73,874 people, consisting of 33,713 male refugees and 40,161 female refugees. There are 92 people with disabilities, 1,207 pregnant women, 4,240 elderly people,” he added.
For houses with heavy, medium and light damages as well as all destroyed infrastructures, Cianjur district head Herman Suherman has sent a joint data collection team comprising elements from the local government, the military, the police and universities, he said.
“There 27,434 houses which are heavily damaged, 13,070 are moderately damaged, and 22,124 lightly damaged, bringing the total to 62,628 houses. There are a number of damaged infrastructures, including 398 school buildings, 160 places of worship, 14 health facilities, and 16 office buildings,” Suharyanto explained.
Until the seventh day of the post-earthquake, the 325 evacuation points were recorded at 15 sub-districts, which required a lot of personnel, he said.
“Logistics distribution is relatively better than yesterday. Places that are not reachable are gradually receiving assistance with a tiered logistics distribution mechanism from villages to districts,” he said.
For remote places that reportedly have not received assistance, Basarnas (the National Search and Rescue Agency) has sent aid by helicopters, while military personnel with motorbikes have distributed it to these points, he added.
Reporting by Indonesia Window