COVID-19 – U.S. supplies medical equipment worth 30 mln USD to Indonesia

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – At a meeting with Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi in Washington D.C. on Monday (Aug. 2), United States National Security Adviser (NSA) Jake Sullivan conveyed the U.S. commitment to supply oxygen equipment, medical devices and medicines to Indonesia worth 30 million U.S. dollars.
With the assistance, the total U.S.’ support for Indonesia since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic is 65 million dollars, according to a written statement from the Indonesian Ministry received here on Tuesday.
In addition, the U.S. also sent Moderna vaccine against COVID-19 in a dose-sharing scheme through the COVAX Facility as many as 8,000,160 doses, including 3.5 million doses that arrived at Indonesia’s Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang district, Banten province, on Sunday (Aug. 1).
Minister Retno conveyed her appreciation to the U.S. government for its support to Indonesia in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a meeting with NSA Sullivan, she also discussed the long-term cooperation between Indonesia and the U.S. in the health sector in order to increase national, regional and global capacity in dealing with future pandemics.
“Indonesia hopes that the U.S. support establishment of national capacity to produce vaccines with the latest technology based on mRNA, and make therapeutic drugs for infectious diseases,” said Retno.
Reporting by Indonesia Window