
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia received four million doses of Sinovac vaccine in the ready-to-use form on Friday (Nov. 12) and another four million doses on Saturday (Nov. 13), each of which was the arrival of the 121st and the 122nd stage.

The Indonesian government targets that by the end of 2021, at least 123 million people of the fourth largest populated county in the world would have received  full doses of the vaccines against COVID-19.

As of November 4, the state-owned vaccine manufacturer Bio Farma has distributed 233.3 million doses of vaccines to all the provinces in the country.

The highest vaccine distribution was to West Java with 41.8 million doses, followed by East Java (37 million doses), Central Java (32.1 million doses), Jakarta (20.2 million doses), and North Sumatra (10.4 million doses).

Meanwhile, West Sulawesi received the least number of vaccines of 89,300 doses, followed by North Maluku (757,700 doses), North Kalimantan (807,700 doses), West Papua (811,770 doses), and Gorontalo (959,900 doses).

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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