Narcotics agency supports international seminar to create drug-free campuses

An international seminar carried a theme ‘the role of academics in creating drug-free campuses and making people understand halal products through family resilience as a form of national security’.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Indonesian National Narcotics Agency (BNN) supported the holding of an international seminar organized by the National Movement Against Drugs of the Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI’s Ganas Annar) and the Association of Indonesian Lecturers (ADI) on July 5, 2023 with the subject ‘the role of academics in creating drug-clean campuses’.
“The Deputy for Prevention of BNN, Richard Nainggolan, fully supported the seminar with a strategic and far-reaching goal, namely to create drug-free campuses,” MUI’s Ganas Annar Chairperson, Dr. Titik Haryati, told the press in Jakarta on Tuesday (July 4).
According to Titik, the Deputy for Prevention of BNN also appreciated the commitment of MUI’s Ganas Annar in implementing a work program to tackle narcotics abusers through collaboration among others with relevant parties such as government and private institutions, agencies, ministries, and community organizations.
Titik further stated, the seminar organized by MUI’s Ganas Annar and ADI involved various elements of higher education institutions from Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia.
The event was also attended by elements from the Alumni Association of Lemhannas (the Indonesian National Defense Institute) 50 as well as various mass organizations that are ready to work together to prevent the dangers of narcotics.
The international seminar was also held as a part of the International Anti-Narcotics Day, which is commemorated on June 26 every year around the world as a reflection of concern for the crime of narcotics trafficking, in which people in various parts of the world have become victims.
It was stated that the international seminar carried the theme ‘the role of academics in creating drug-free campuses and making people understand halal (permissible according to Islamic law) products through family resilience as a form of national security’.
The seminar was held with the aim of making efforts to prevent narcotics abuse in the educational and community environment.
Reporting by Indonesia Window