
45 people die in Indonesia’s Mt. Semeru eruption

A search and rescue team is trying to find dead victims of the Semeru eruption on Thursday (December 9, 2021). (The Regional Disaster Management Agency’s of Lumajang district)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Until the seventh day of efforts to evacuate victims of Mount Semeru eruption, the search and rescue team has found 45 dead persons.

“Until day seven, 45 people died, after two more dead victims were found in Renteng hamlet,” chief of the emergency response command post for Mount Semeru eruption, Col. Inf. Irwan Subekti told an online press conference on Friday (Dec. 10).

He reported that up to now nine people were still missing, while 19 were seriously injured and 19 others have minor injuries.

Data from the emergency response task force for Mount Semeru eruption showed that 6,573 people fled.

Meanwhile, there are 2,970 affected houses and 33 damaged public facilities, including Gladak Perak bridge that connects the districts of Lumajang and Malang.

The Semeru eruption on Saturday afternoon (Dec. 4) has direct impacts on two sub-districts, namely Pronojiwo and Candipuro.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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