
Indonesian national company’s survey expects 180 MMSTB of oil and gas reserves

Illustration. A subsidiary of the Indonesian national oil and gas company (Pertamina), PT Pertamina EP, has completed a seismic survey in the offshore operations area of Asset 3 Pertamina EP in Indramayu district, West Java province. (Pertamina)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – A subsidiary of the Indonesian national oil and gas company (Pertamina), PT Pertamina EP, has completed a seismic survey in the offshore operations area of ​​Asset 3 Pertamina EP in Indramayu district, West Java province.

The marine-nodal 3D seismic survey which carried out in collaboration between Pertamina EP and Elnusa on 1 July-11 August 2020 is expected to find additional oil and gas reserves of 180 MMSTB (Million Stock Tank Barrels) which is equivalent to 28.6 million cubic meters, according to a statement received by Indonesia Window here on Thursday.

The 3D nodal seismic method is the first to be implemented by Pertamina EP.

That method uses four main components, namely, hydrophone and geophone X, Y, Z to provide integrated subsurface images, which facilitate evaluation on prospect and future field developments.

The 3D nodal seismic method includes nodal deployment, shooting, nodal pick-up, download and data verification.

The survey results can help improve the quality of subsurface data, making the determination of drill points in the existing structures and the step out inter structures more accurate.

The seismic data can also help map the distribution of sandstone reservoirs in the Talangakar Formation, carbonate reservoirs in the Baturaja Formation, and can validate the potentials in the Cibulakan Formation.

The survey activity records more than 90,000 safe working hours, 0 LTI (Loss Time Injury), and 0 cases of COVID-19.

The 42-days survey covered a surface area of 302 square kilometers, covering 182 square kilometers of full fold area.

Pertamina EP’s Vice President for Exploration Planning and Operation Novy Hendri said the preparatory stage for the survey was carried out within three months.

“This is an extraordinary collaboration by 100 percent of Indonesians, who all worked 24 hours. I really appreciate the commitment of all functions involved in this project,” Novy noted.

Meanwhile, Pertamina EP’s President Director Eko Agus Sarjono hoped that the 3D seismic survey data could be immediately followed up and optimized by the Asset 3 GGR (Geology, Geophysics and Reservoir Engineer) team and the head office.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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