Jambi has two geographical coffee indications

Illustration of coffee beans. (Photo by Milo Miloezger on Unsplash)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Jambi Province is one of 13 coffee centers in Indonesia with two Geographical Indications registered by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Director General of Small, Medium and Various Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry, Gati Wibawaningsih, said the Geographical Indications of the Jambi coffee are the Koerintji Sumatra Arabica Coffee and the Jambi Tungkal Liberica Coffee which are known to have distinctive flavors, the Government News Network reported as quoted here, Saturday.

Geographical Indication (IG) is certification for certain products because they have characteristics that are not found in other similar products based on geographical locations. The uniqueness can be caused by natural factors, human resources, and/or a combination of both.

So far, there are 52 Indonesian products that have IG, and 14 of them are coffee products.

With its huge coffee potential and two geographical indications, Jambi was chosen as the host of 2019 International Coffee Day which was held on October 1.

“The celebration that is carried out every year is aimed at celebrating the culture and lifestyle of drinking coffee which is deeply rooted in the Indonesian society,”  Gati Wibawaningsih explained.

According to her, the celebration is also expected to promote an increase in domestic coffee consumption and stimulate exports of Indonesian coffee products to the international market.

“This International Coffee Day Celebration ultimately aims to improve the welfare of all actors in the Indonesian coffee value chain from farmers, industry to retail coffee service providers,” said Gati.

The Worldatlas website puts Indonesia in the 4th position as the largest coffee producing country in the world with the production of more than 660,000 metric tons of coffee beans in 2016.

Coffee plantations in the country now cover more than one million hectares with more than 90 percent of of the agricultural lands are undertaken by small-scale producers.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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