News Focus – 40,000 copies of Al-Quran distributed to Indonesia’s W Kalimantan, spreading light at year end

Islam’s holy book, Al-Quran, was distributed by the Al-Quran Waqf Agency (locally known as its abbreviation BWA) totaling 40,000 copies to Indonesia’s West Kalimantan province to strengthen spiritual ties and expand public access to the holy book.
Bogor, West Java (Indonesia Window) – At the end of 2024, the Al-Quran Waqf Agency (locally known as its abbreviation BWA) will distribute Islam’s holy book, Al-Quran, to Indonesia’s West Kalimantan province to strengthen spiritual ties and expand public access to the holy book.
A total of 40,000 copies of the holy book will be distributed to several districts in the province including Ketapang, Kayong Utara, Sanggau, Landak, Singkawang, Mempawah, Sambas, Bengkayang, and the province’s capital Pontianak.
The activity is a concrete step in providing benefits to people in need, especially in areas with minimal access to religious facilities.
By December 2024, a total of 100,000 Qur’ans have been distributed to West Kalimantan as part of BWA’s commitment to improving religious literacy across the province.
The main focus of the program is to reach remote areas where many mosques, prayer rooms, and religious educational institutions have limited access to Al-Quran.
“At the end of the year, we want to give the best gift to the people of West Kalimantan, namely Al-Quran as a source of guidance for life. With the spirit of togetherness, we hope that this distribution can be a starting point for positive change for the people, especially those living in remote areas,” BWA’s Chief of Networking, Hazairin Hasan, said.
“I appreciate the distribution of Al-Quran carried out by BWA, in the hope that the distribution of Al-Quran by BWA can help our people read and study the contents of the holy book,” said Muhammad Basri Har, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of West Kalimantan Province.
The activity is expected to have a broad impact, not only as a means of worship, but also as part of the character building of the younger generation through understanding the values of Al-Quran.
Encouraging people’s concern to Al-Quran
In addition to distributing Al-Quran, this program also opens up opportunities for the people at large to participate in contributing, either through donations or moral supports.
Thus, the activity is expected to become a forum for all parties who want to play active roles in supporting the strengthening of religious values in remote areas.
Warm welcome from local people
People in the areas targeted for distribution of Al-Quran welcomed the program enthusiastically.
“We are very grateful and feel helped. We will use the Quran for joint recitation activities and religious studies,” said Slamet, who is one of the ustadz (teacher) at the Ustadzah Mistiah Tahfidz House Foundation, located in Meliau Hulu, Meliau sub district, Sanggau district.
The distribution activity is not only a concrete manifestation of social concern, but also invites all parties to work together to spread goodness at the end of the year.
For more information or to participate in this program, please visit the BWA website at or
Let’s spread the light of goodness through Al-Quran, to the far corners of the country!
Reporting by Indonesia Window