Power plants on Siberut uses bamboo, saving Rp14 billion per year

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Biomass Power Plants (PLTBms) on Siberut Island, West Sumatra, uses bamboo fuel with a capacity of 700 kiloWatt (kW) which is distributed to 1,233 households in three villages, namely Saliguma, Madobag and Matotonan.
“The potential savings to be obtained from the PLTBms compared to Diesel Power Plant (PLTD) is Rp14 billion per year,” said Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) / Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro at the inauguration of the PLTBms in Saliguma Village, Siberut Island, Mentawai Islands Regency on Tuesday (09/17/2019), the Government News Network (JPP) reported as quoted by Indonesia Window in Jakarta on Thursday.
“I invite all development actors to support this PLTBm innovation in a bid to materialize our joint efforts in reducing the use of fuel oil and other fossil fuels,” the minister said.
He added that the PLTBms in Saliguma, Madobag, and Matotonan are a Participatory Renewable Energy Development model that involves many parties both in financing, construction and operation.
The construction of the three PLTBms also uses an innovative funding scheme involving the central government and development partners, local governments, private companies, and the local community.
“We are working with the United States Government, the Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC) program in financing the construction of three PLTBm units on Siberut Island and several new and renewable energy power plants in several other locations,” said Minister Bambang.
Reporting by Indonesia Window