Nuances of Bali appear at Tehran International Tourism Exhibition 2023

Nuances of Bali that appeared at the Tehran International Exhibition 2023 included Balinese crafts and music which are the main attraction for exhibition visitors.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The nuances of Bali were featured at the tourism promotion of the Indonesian Embassy in Tehran at the Tehran International Tourism Exhibition (TITE) 2023 which was held at the Tehran International Permanent Fairground on February 7-10, 2023.
In the tourism exhibition, the Indonesian Embassy in Tehran displayed nuances of Bali, including crafts and music from the country’s main resort island, which became the main attraction for exhibition visitors.
Apart from promoting Bali, the Indonesian Embassy in Tehran also promoted ten tourism destinations which become the priority of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
The participation of the Indonesian Embassy in Tehran received high interest from the general public, the Iranian tourism industry, and the Iranian government.
The embassy had the honor to receive the visit of the Iranian Minister of Culture, Tourism and Crafts, Ezzatollah Zaghrami, to the Indonesian Embassy’s stand.
In 2023 TITE which is the main and largest tourism industry exhibition in Iran was attended by 165 national and foreign tourism industry stakeholders.
Also participating in the activity were nine foreign participants including those from Japan, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tyr Vietnam.
Pada tahun 2023, TITE diikuti oleh 165 stakeholders (pemangku kepentingan) industri pariwisata nasional dan mancanegara. Turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut sembilan peserta mancanegara antara lain Jepang, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan and Vietnam.
The participation of the Indonesian Embassy in Tehran in TITE 2023 is expected to increase foreign tourist visits to Indonesia and encourage the recovery of Indonesian tourism post-pandemic of the Covid-19.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo has recently asked that the target of foreign and domestic tourists in 2023 be achieved, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said.
The target of foreign and domestic tourists is supported by increasing the number of flights and availability of seats as well as organizing quality events in the country, the minister said in ‘The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno’ which took place in Jakarta recently.
Sandiaga pointed out the president conveyed this directive in a limited meeting on economic and tourism activities following the lifting of the policy on restrictions of community activities, according to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in a statement quoted by Indonesia Window, recently.
“The president said that the target of foreign and domestic tourists should be achieved by increasing the number of flights and availability of seats, ease of regulations including those on visas, free visit visas and visa on arrival, as well as by organizing quality events,” Sandiaga said.
Reporting by Indonesia Window