Indonesia’s company ships first 350,000 barrels of oil from Rokan area

Illustration. Indonesian state-owned oil and natural gas corporation, or so-called Pertamina, through Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) has made a maiden shipment of 350,000 barrels of crude oil from Dumai in Riau province to two Pertamina’s refinery facilities. (Pertamina)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian state-owned oil and natural gas corporation, or so-called Pertamina, through Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) has made a maiden shipment of 350,000 barrels of crude oil from Dumai in Riau province to two Pertamina’s refinery facilities.

PHR’s President Director Jaffee Arizon Suardin in his statement in Pekanbaru, Monday (Aug. 16), said that the shipment of crude oil was carried out by two ships simultaneously on Saturday (Aug. 14).

The first shipment brought Sumatran Light Crude of 199,777 barrels, using MT Bull Damai 1, to Pertamina Refinery Unit IV in Cilacap, Central Java.

Meanwhile, the second shipment brought Duri Crude with a volume of 150,386 barrels using MT Amarin Indah tanker, to Pertamina Refinery Unit VI Balongan, West Java.

Jaffee said that this first shipment of crude oil showed that the transfer of management of Rokan working from Chevron Pacific Indonesia to PHR on August 9 has worked efficiently.

“This shipment for domestic use is also a support for meeting domestic energy needs,” he said.

Sumatran Light Crude (SLC) is produced from such fields as Minas, Bangko, Bekasap, and Kotabatak. SLC has the characteristics of light oil with low sulfur content.

Meanwhile, Duri Crude (DC) is heavy oil produced from the Duri Field. Heavy oil has a viscous nature with a high level of concentration so that steamflood technology is needed to lift more oil from the earth.

Crude oil production from Rokan working area will be allocated to Pertamina’s domestic oil refineries, such as RU II Dumai (Riau), RU III Plaju (South Sumatra), RU IV Cilacap (Central Java), RU V Balikpapan (East Kalimantan), and RU VI Balongan (West Java).

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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