Indonesian prominent educator Prita Kemal Gani launches biography book in Tokyo

The launch of Prita Kemal Gani’s biography book was held for the first time on November 30, 2022 at LSPR Jakarta, the second launch was held on December 28, 2022 at LSPR Bali and the third launch was on February 3, 2023 at the Indonesian Embassy in London.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – In the context of International Women’s Day, Dr (H.C.) Prita Kemal Gani, founder and CEO of the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business, was officially invited by the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo for a discussion, launch and review of Prita Kemal Gani’s biography book under the title ‘Prita Kemal Gani, 30 Years As Educator’.
The discussion, launch and review of the biography book describing the ‘Multiple Roles of Being a Leader, Public Relations Figure, Wife, and Mother’ was held on March 10, 2023, at the Republic of Indonesia School in Tokyo, Japan.
The review and launch of the book was held for the first time on November 30, 2022 at LSPR Jakarta, the second launch was held on December 28, 2022 at LSPR Bali and the third was on February 3, 2023 at the Indonesian Embassy in London.
The book by Asteria Elanda, which summarizes the inspirational story of an educational figure, Prita Kemal Gani, tells the journey of Prita’s life for 30 years in establishing the LSPR Institute of Communication & Business as an educator who has successfully overcome various challenges in the multi roles of a leader, public relations figure, wife, and mother.
The book launch was attended among others by the Indonesian Ambassador to Japan Heri Akhmadi, his spouse Nuning Akhmadi, and Prof. Yusli Wardiatno (Cultural Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo Japan).
The event was warmly welcomed and opened by Nuning Akhmadi, who said, “today I am honored to be able to hold a discussion on the discussion of Prita’s biography”.
“Thirty years as an educator is a very noble profession and of course through the discussion of her biography, we would gain knowledge and inspiration from Ibu Prita,” she added.
Meanwhile, Prita Kemal Gani on the occasion wanted to inspire many women, especially young women, not to leave their household chores for a career or entrepreneurship.
“Housework is taking care of her husband and children and making the house the most beautiful place,” Prita said about her book.
Prita also emphasized four things in her biography, namely; The first is that at the start of setting up a business, it is not the financial capital that is most important, but networking.
The second is that education is the most valuable investment, although other investments are also necessary, such as friendship investments, kindness investments and other investments.
The third is that no good work is wasted, because good work will produce good results, and the fourth Prita reminds, ‘don’t work just at the minimum, but always try to be the best, and produce the best.
Through this book, Prita also tells her story in building the LSPR Institute for 30 years.
“LSPR is now 30 years old with nearly 100,000 gratifying graduates. LSPR graduates have successfully pursued careers in their respective fields. LSPR has contributed to educating the nation’s children and actively participates in building the progress of the Indonesian nation,” Prita noted.
Through her book, Prita hopes that she can provide the true story of an educator who is dedicated and highly committed to bringing about positive changes in the world of education in Indonesia.
The biographical book will be available in leading bookstores throughout Indonesia and can be ordered through Tokopedia, Gramedia Digital, LSPR Plaza, Google Play, and
Reporting by Indonesia Window