Indonesian Islamic school Insantama has excellent leadership program

Indonesian Islamic school holds several competitions with the number of participants increasing in each event with judges from different professional institutions.
Bogor, West Java (Indonesia Window) – Integrated Islamic High School / SMAIT Insantama in Bogor, West Java, has proven its excellence through leadership training programs, including those on various comparative studies abroad.
“These programs are part of the school’s curriculum which prepares future leaders through academic activities that emphasize Islamic values,” a staff member of the Student Affairs Directorate of SMAIT Insantama, Andi Rizal, said on the sidelines of multi-event activities in Indonesia’s Bogor city, West Java provnce, Saturday (Feb. 24).
According to Andi, SMAIT Insantama’s leadership activities are carried out at places both at school and outdoors including those abroad, such as Turkey, Australia, South Korea and Malaysia.
Andi explained that all these activities were carried out thanks to good planning and hard works of students under professional guidance and direction of teachers at the school.
“The success started from the beginning in terms of organization, planning proposals related to organizing activities and raising funds by students,” Andi said, adding that the activities by grade 12 students had been prepared since they were in grade 11.
On Saturday (Feb. 24), the Indonesian Islamic school held several competitions with the number of participants increasing in each event with judges from different professional institutions.
The competitions, which were part of the Smart Teen Competition (Smention) XIII/2024 program, were held under the theme lend the earth your ears, as one we mend its tears, based on the concept of transformational leadership.
The competitions include debates, tahfidz (Al Quran memorization), nasyid (an Islamic singing art), poster design, photography, short films, essays, outbound activities and competition to read and understand Al Quran.

On the first day (Feb. 24), 595 participants from nine branches and 11 categories took part in the competitions. The participants came from 103 institutions consisting of 29 junior high schools, 72 senior high schools, and two universities.
On the second day (Feb. 25), SMAIT Insantama held an international seminar on global boiling and was attended by finalists from all competitions with a target of 400 participants.
In addition, the school organized a bazaar featuring several products including foods and beverages as well as on the school precinct.

Reporting by Indonesia Window