Indonesian food companies hold virtual trade shows in Taiwan

Indonesian food and beverage companies displayed their products in front of buyers in Taiwan’s capital city of Taipei via a virtual trade show held on Thursday (July 9, 2020). (Indonesia Window)

Indonesian food companies hold virtual trade shows in Taiwan

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian food and beverage companies displayed their products in front of buyers in Taiwan’s capital city of Taipei via a virtual trade show held on Thursday (July 9).

The Indonesian companies displayed plant-based products, canned seafood and other products, the Taiwan News Agency (CNA) reported.

The Business Matching Food Product Exhibition organized the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei (IETO) used a notebook computer to display each product from the Indonesian business players that could be seen by potential buyers in Taiwan.

“This virtual trade show is a breakthrough amid the COVID-19 pandemic because Indonesian company representatives can’t come to Taiwan,” Director of IETO’s Trade Department Miftah Farid said.

“Even though the pandemic has affected many countries, I think the food and beverage business has good prospects in Taiwan,” he added.

The food and beverage trade show was the second business matching event organized by the IETO this year, following a trade show on March 24 that featured Indonesian spices.

According to Miftah, the IETO is planning four more shows before the end of this year.

“We hope Taiwan can help, because Indonesia is still combating the COVID-19 pandemic, which has highly impacted our food and beverage industry,” he said.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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