Indonesian exports to Switzerland increase amid virus pandemic

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The value of Indonesia’s exports to Switzerland sharply surged amid the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, from January to May 2020, by 284 percent compared to that in the same period last year.
Data obtained from the Swiss Federal Customs Administration show that the highest increase occurred in April and May 2020, respectively by 670 percent and 404 percent, compared to that in the same months last year, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Coffee and essential oils are among the Indonesian products that have experienced a significant increase in exports.
The highest increase in Indonesian exports to Switzerland occurred in March 2020 compared to that in the previous month. The export products cover textile and knitted products, coffee, machines, furniture, essential oils and organic chemicals.
Meanwhile, compared to those in the same period last year, Indonesia’s exports to Switzerland which showed increases were precious metals, footwear, coffee, furniture, engine parts and essential oils.
Indonesian Ambassador to Switzerland and concurrently Liechtenstein, Muliaman Hadad, stated that the increase in exports of some Indonesian superior products was the result of intensive promotions.
“The value of Indonesia’s exports to Switzerland in the first five months of 2020 reached more than 1 billion U.S. dollars, bigger than that in 2019 totalling 988 million U.S. dollars,” the ambassador noted.
Meanwhile Indonesia’s imports from Switzerland also experienced a hike in the first five months of 2020.
Data from the Swiss Federal Customs Administration pointed out that the value of Indonesia’s imports in January to May 2020 reached 308 million U.S. dollars or increased by 74 percent over the same period last year.
The import of pharmaceutical products was among those that increased. The products were imported to overcome the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia.
In addition, turbine engines, spare parts, electronic equipment and organic chemicals, as well as optical instrument also have fairly high export values.
“In the first five months of 2020, we have a surplus of 721 million U.S. dollars,” Ambassador Muliaman said.
The data show great opportunities for Indonesian products, such as coffee, essential oils and footwear to be exported to Switzerland.
Switzerland is an export-oriented country, therefore foreign trade is an important part of its economic recovery due to the impact of the COVID-9 pandemic.
“This is our chance to take advantage of because supply chains from other sources may be disrupted by the pandemic,” the Indonesian top diplomat in Switzerland said.
Reporting by Indonesia Window