Indonesia uses artificial intelligence to monitor mineral, coal mines

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources continues to strengthen supervision of mineral and coal mining businesses by applying machine learning technology and Artificial Intelligence in managing images and geo data sets.
“We will continue to carry out integrated supervision using a combination of digital media,” the ministry’s Director of Coal Business Development Sujatmiko said in a written statement on Sunday.
Sujatmiko explained, optimizing technology is expected to provide greater benefits in mining activities, as well as increase the contribution of mineral and coal in advancing the national economy.
According to him, the utilization of coal resources in Indonesia which reached 143.7 billion tons with reserves of 38.8 billion tons was aimed at responding to various issues regarding the energy trilemma, namely energy security, energy affordability, and energy sustainability.
“Although many people say coal is a dirty energy resource, coal can be used for sufficient and affordable energy sources for people,” said Sujatmiko.
Throughout 2020, the contribution of minerals and coal in Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) amounted to 34.65 trillion rupiahs (some 2.3 billion U.S. dollars).
In addition, the total national coal production reached 564 million tons with 138 million tons used for domestic needs last year.
As a form of concern over environmental issues, the Indonesian government continues to boost the application of clean coal technology to achieve low carbon emissions.
Reporting by Indonesia Window