
Indonesia to build accommodation facilities in Makkah for pilgrims

A number of accommodation facilities in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. (Indonesia Window)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – PT PP, Indonesia’s state-owned company engaged in construction and investment, and the Hajj Financial Management Agency (locally called BPKH) will build accommodation and hotel facilities in Saudi Arabia for hajj and umrah (minor hajj) pilgrims through Rumah Indonesia project in Makkah.

“As one of the state-owned companies engaged in construction and investment services that is integrated with supporting industries, and has expertise and experience in the fields of construction, property, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC), and infrastructures both at home and abroad, the company is ready to collaborate with BPKH in building and developing Rumah Indonesia project in Makkah, Saudi Arabia,” said PT PP’s President Director Novel Arsyad in a written statement here on Thursday (Aug. 5).

The plan to build accommodation facilities in the Holy Land was established by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by Novel Arsyad and Hurriyah El Islamy as a member of the agency’s investment and foreign cooperation implementation.

In 2019, as many as 231,000 Indonesian Muslims performed hajj, and 1.2 million performed umrah (minor hajj) pilgrimages.

That figure covers at least 10.7 percent of the total pilgrims from around the world.

With the potential for the increasing tally every year, the number of pilgrims from Indonesia was estimated to reach 5.24 million in 2022.

PT PP and Indonesia’s Hajj Financial Management Agency will continue to conduct studies on land acquisition, construction and management of accommodation and hospitality facilities for Indonesian hajj and umrah pilgrims in Makkah.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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