Indonesia launches first 5G Smart Mining technology in Southeast Asia

The 5G Smart Mining technology supports automation and remote control while increasing PT Freeport Indonesia’s work safety and productivity.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) launched 5G Smart Mining technology at PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI), in Tembagapura city, Mimika district, Papua province, on Thursday.
“Today we prove that we have moved ahead by implementing the first 5G Smart Mining (technology) in Southeast Asia, by PT Freeport Indonesia, supported by PT Telkomsel,” the head of state said.
He emphasized the importance of technological intervention to advance the mining sector in Indonesia, which is generally located in remote areas that are difficult to reach, while geographical and connectivity challenges are not easy.
According to Jokowi, the application of 5G Smart Mining technology supports automation and remote control while increasing PT Freeport Indonesia’s work safety and productivity.
“With the 5G underground smart mining technology, underground mining activities can really be monitored using cameras connected to artificial intelligence and prevent and minimize the risk of work accidents,” he added.
Having earlier reviewed the use of this technology at the Grasberg mining site owned by PT Freeport Indonesia, the president was happy because this latest technology was manned by domestic human resources, especially those of Papua province.
“I am overjoyed to hear that the underground mines are extremely difficult terrain and remotely controlled. I’ve seen it firsthand. What I’m happy about is that 99 percent of the total employees who control and operate are native to Indonesia, especially from Papua,” he said.
The president is also optimistic that PT Freeport Indonesia would continue to produce quality human resources and contribute greatly to the progress of the mining industry in the country.
“I believe this technology would make PT Freeport Indonesia even more taken into account at the global level and produce more and more qualified human resources in the mining sector in the world and contribute greatly to the progress of the Indonesian mining industry,” he said.
PT Freeport Indonesia is an Indonesian company engaged in the exploration, mining, processing and marketing of copper, gold and silver concentrates in the Tembagapura highlands, Mimika, Central Papua.
PT Telkomsel (PT Telekomunikasi Seluler) is one of the cellular telecommunications operator companies in Indonesia.
Reporting by Indonesia Window