
Indonesia discovers oil and gas sources in Jambi

Indonesia’s state-owned oil and gas company Pertamina has discovered oil and gas sources through the exploration of Sungai Gelam Timur-001 or SGET-001 located in Muaro Jambi distrik, Jambi province. (Pertamina)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia’s state-owned oil and gas company Pertamina has discovered oil and gas sources through the exploration of Sungai Gelam Timur-001 or SGET-001 located in Muaro Jambi distrik, Jambi province.

The well has an oil source with a flow rate of 434 barrels per day (BOPD) and gas of 0.18 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), Pertamina Hulu Rokan’s President Director Jaffee Arizon Suardin said in a written statement here on Monday (Jan. 17).

The SGET-001 well is located approximately eight kilometers from the existing production facility of the GS-02 development well and 14 kilometers from the production facility of the Ketaling development well.

The oil and gas resource was discovered through the first layer content test (DST#1) on the sandstone reservoir of the Air Benakat Formation at intervals of 1,622 meters to 1,624 meters.

Furthermore, the first layer content test (DST#2) will be carried out at an interval of 1,491 meters to 1,495 meters in the Air Benakat Formation.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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