
EU learns Indonesian halal product regulation

Halal logo from Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI. (MUI)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The size of the halal product market in Indonesia and the increasing awareness of Muslims in the country in consuming products according to Islamic law (halal) has attracted the attention of the European Union (EU) to learn the regulation about it.

The EU’s Head of Economy and Trade, Raffaele Quarto, led the EU delegation during a visit to the Indonesian Ministry of Religion’s Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH), the Government News Network (JPP) has reported as quoted in Jakarta on Monday.

The EU delegation was received by BPJPH Head Sukoso.

Raffaele Quarto explained that the purpose of the visit was to explore the regulation on the Halal Product Guarantee (JPH).

The EU delegation consisted of representatives of embassies and trade representatives from the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Portugal.

They hope to get a more comprehensive understanding of halal certification in Indonesia according to Law no. 33 of 2014 which will soon be implemented.

Thus, the industry and related sectors in EU member countries can prepare and adjust to these regulations.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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