COVID-19 – Indonesia promotes vaccine production diversification to developing countries

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi has promoted vaccine diversification to developing countries.
It was conveyed in her remarks at The First Meeting of the International Forum on Covid-19 Vaccine Cooperation which was held virtually on Thursday (Aug. 5).
“We should enhance international solidarity and cooperation to accelerate global vaccination, one of which is by increasing vaccine production capacity. One of the ways to achieve this is through diversification of vaccine production to developing countries,” said the Indonesian foreign minister.
Minister Retno also highlighted the importance of international cooperation to help developing countries strengthen their essential infrastructures, research centers, production lines, cold storage facilities, and human resources.
International collaboration should also be able to facilitate access to raw materials, exempt IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), conduct transfer of technology, including acquire mRNA vaccines as well as establish affordable financing schemes.
The Indonesian foreign minister who is also the co-chair of COVAX AMC-EG (Advanced Market Commitment-Engagement Group) conveyed the importance of global support for the COVAX mechanism, as the only global platform that guarantees equal access to COVID vaccines for all countries.
In addition, COVAX also needs to urgently explore vaccine allocations for 20 percent of the population, especially those in low-income countries.
Indonesia’s participation in the conference is an effort of the country’s diplomacy in motivating all countries to strengthen solidarity and collaboration in tackling the pandemic, including making vaccines a global public good so that they can be accessed and distributed equally to all countries.
The conference was attended by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Director General of WHO, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and High Ranking Officials from more than 23 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and America, as well as representatives of international organizations and national research institutions from a number of countries.
The conference produced a Joint Statement of the International Forum on Covid-19 Vaccine Cooperation.
Reporting by Indonesia Window