Taiwan expects Indonesia to recommend reliable PCR testing institutions for migrant workers

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Taiwan has expected that the Indonesian government would provide reliable PCR (polymerase chain reaction) testing institutions for migrant workers in order to obtain good quality results.
The expectation was conveyed in a written statement from the Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) received here on Sunday, following a number of COVID-19 positive cases found among Indonesian migrant workers after they passed a retesting upon arrival in Taiwan.
From October 16 to December 17, 2020, Taiwan has found a total of 226 imported COVID-19 cases, and 127 of whom were Indonesian migrant workers, or more than 50 percent.
The figure makes the Indonesian migrant workers the largest sources of confirmed imported cases in Taiwan.
TETO stated that such a condition has been seriously threatening the safety of the Taiwanese people.
In addition, 76 people from 127 Indonesian migrant workers (60 percent), who brought negative PCR test results from Indonesia tested positive for COVID-19 after being rechecked in Taiwan.
This was surprising and caused serious attention from the people of Taiwan, said the TETO statement.
In an official website of the Indonesian government, there are more than 500 public and private hospitals, clinics, and laboratories which have been approved by the Indonesian Ministry of Health for PCR tests.
The Taiwanese government expects that Indonesia will provide recommendations for some PCR testing institutions for not more than 50 out of the 500 agencies to ensure the quality of the results and facilitate follow-up tracking.
In addition, the Taiwanese government will continue to research if there are differences in standards and reagents in PCR examinations used by Taiwan and Indonesia.
The Taiwanese government has announced an extended suspension of receiving Indonesian migrant workers, which was previously set from December 4 to 17, 2020.
Reporting by Indonesia Window