Cooperating with the world to achieve a net-zero future (2 of 2)

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that Taiwan’s industries are an extremely reliable and significant partner in the global supply chain.
Countries worldwide have successively proposed new goals on net-zero emissions to bring about a net-zero economy.
The Taiwan government aims to formulate a clear and comprehensive carbon reduction path and green growth strategy. Cooperation with private enterprises plays a critical role in these efforts.
The Taiwan Climate Alliance, formed by eight ICT companies, has set the goal of using renewable energy in 100 percent of their manufacturing processes by 2050 and will lead other manufacturers in the supply chain to jointly reach this target.
In addition, the Taiwan Alliance for Net Zero Emission, formed by traditional manufacturing, technology, finance, and service industries, seeks to attain net-zero carbon emissions at office sites by 2030 and at production sites by 2050.
To support the climate actions of enterprises and other actors in the private sector, the Taiwan government has implemented financial mechanisms such as green financing and green bonds, thus creating a virtuous circle in the investment and industrial pursuit of sustainable development.
Taiwan, situated in a region highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, has long been actively engaged in policy formulation, the establishment of related legal systems, energy transformation, technological research and development, industrial innovation, social transformation, and environmental sustainability in response to climate change.
It hopes to actively construct a sustainable green homeland from the facets of supply, manufacturing, demand, and environmental protection. Furthermore, Taiwan will continue to share its experiences and capabilities with the international community to overcome this crisis.
The spirit of cooperating and working together remains key to accelerating and extending global efforts. Although Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations, it will always seek to be a model citizen for the international community.
We will continue to work with all other countries to foster a global net-zero emissions future and a more resilient living environment for coming generations and to realize intergenerational justice.
Author: Chang Tzi-chin [(Minister Environmental Protection Administration of Republic of China (Taiwan)]
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