
OIC Youth Indonesia president appreciates Retno Marsudi’s diplomacy captaincy

President of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Youth Indonesia, Astrid Nadya Rizqita (third right) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi (fourth left) took a group photo with the leadership and management of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) on the occasion of the Diplomacy Mujahidah Award from MUI to Retno Marsudi on Thursday (October 3, 2024). (Photo: Special)

Astrid Nadya Rizqita, president of OIC Youth Indonesia, considered that Minister Retno LP Marsudi has been leading Indonesia’s diplomacy with strong determination.


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – President of the Organization Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Youth Indonesia, Astrid Nadya Rizqita, expressed her deep respect and high appreciation to Retno LP Marsudi for her dedication as Indonesia’s minister of foreign affairs for the periods of 2014-2019 and 2019-2024.

In a written statement to Indonesia Window here on Thursday, Astrid considered that Retno has been leading Indonesia’s diplomacy with strong determination, bringing the country’s voice on the international fora on various global issues, including supporting the rights of the Palestinian people.

“One of the extraordinary achievements is Retno’s role in voicing Palestinian rights at the International Court of Justice, which affirms Indonesia’s commitment to justice and human rights,” she said.

According to her, this success shows Indonesia’s firmness in supporting Palestine in various international forums, including the United Nations (UN), the OIC, and other multilateral and regional fora.

In the recent 79th UN General Assembly, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized the importance of the recognition of the state of Palestine by the UN members as an effort to realize global peace.

Retno also underlined the need for the UN Security Council to take concrete action against violations of international law committed by Israel, and called for inclusive and collaborative global leadership.

As a foreign minister, Retno Marsudi has initiated and fought for various important resolutions at the United Nations that support the rights of the Palestinian people.

One of the most recent achievements is the historic resolution passed by the UN General Assembly on September 18, 2024, urging an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and ensuring compensation to Palestinians affected by the occupation.

The resolution has broad supports from the 124 UN member states, reaffirming its global commitment to justice for Palestine.

Astrid added that Retno Marsudi’s role is not only limited to formal diplomacy, but also reflects the values of Islam ‘wasatiyah’ which are moderate and full of humanity.

“The diplomacy carried out by Mrs. Retno always puts justice and peace as the top priority, in line with the spirit of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution,” Astrid.said.

In the midst of her busy schedule, Retno Marsudi was still present at the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) event and greeted guests with the same enthusiasm as when she had just arrived from New York the night before.

This shows her tireless commitment as an accomplished diplomat, a real example for future generations.

Astrid likewise said that Retno Marsudi’s dedication throughout her tenure was not only recognized domestically, but also appreciated internationally.

The Diplomacy Mujahidah Award from MUI is a symbol of recognition for the humanitarian diplomacy efforts that have been shown over the past decade.

As an umbrella organization of Muslim youth in Indonesia, OIC Youth Indonesia expressed its full support for the diplomatic efforts that have been made by Retno Marsudi in supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people.

Astrid also hopes that this award can inspire the young generation of Indonesia to continue to be involved in global diplomacy and fight for the values of justice and humanity.

Her highest appreciation was also conveyed to the MUI leaders, and the board of directors, namely the Chairman of the MUI Leadership Council K.H. Anwar Iskandar, the Secretary General of MUI Dr. H. Amirsyah Tambunan, the Head of the MUI’s Foreign Affairs Division Prof. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, and the Chairperson of the Ambassador Committee Yuli Mumpuni Widarso for the organization of the MUI Mujahid Peace and Mujahidah Diplomacy Awards.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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