
1 Shawwal 1443 Hijri falls on May 2 in Indonesia

In the isbat session (confirmation on the first day of Shawwal) on Sunday (May 1, 2022), Indonesia’s Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas announced that 1 Shawwal 1443 Hijri will fall on May 2, 2022. (The Indonesian Ministry of Religion)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – In the isbat session (confirmation on the first day of Shawwal) on Sunday, Indonesia’s Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas announced that 1 Shawwal 1443 Hijri will fall on May 2, 2022.

In carrying out the isbat session, the Ministry of Religion always uses two methods that cannot be separated from one another, namely the hisab or calculation method, and the rukyat or directly observing the presence of the new moon.

“The two methods of hisab and rukyat cannot be contradicted, because they are very important,” he said.

Hisab has been confirmed by officials from the Ministry of Religion, who are stationed at 99 rukyat points in 34 provinces throughout the archipelagic country.

Based on the two methods, the position of the hilal or the new moon is already above the horizon, and the hilal has been seen, and unanimously the isbat session determined that 1 Shawwal 1443 Hijri will fall on Monday, May 2, 2022, the minister said.

“With the results of the isbat session, all Muslims can experience Eid together. Hopefully this would be a reflection of the togetherness of Muslims in Indonesia, and would be a form of our togetherness to look at a better future together,” he said.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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