Indonesian president to attend G7 Summit, meet Russian, Ukrainian leaders

Indonesian President Joko Widodo delivered a press statement on Sunday (June 26, 2022) before leaving for a number of countries in Europe and the United Arab Emirates, accompanied by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin (right). (The Indonesian Presidential Secretariat)

In the G7 forum, Indonesia will raise the issue of peace in Ukraine and efforts to overcome the global food and energy crisis.

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) departed from Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Tangerang district, Banten province, on Sunday morning to make working visits to several countries in Europe and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The head of state’s first destination was Germany to attend the G7 Group Summit.

“This morning, I and a limited group will depart to visit several countries. The first is going to Germany to attend the G7 summit. We are here as a partner country of the G7, and as chairman/presidency of the G20,” the president said in his press statement before departure.

In the forum, Indonesia will raise the issue of peace in Ukraine and efforts to overcome the global food and energy crisis, Jokowi explained.

“We will encourage and invite the G7 countries to jointly seek peace in Ukraine and also find solutions as soon as possible in dealing with the food crisis and the energy crisis that are engulfing the world. Indeed, this effort is not easy, but we, Indonesia, will continue to strive,” he said.

After Germany, the head of state will continue his working visit to Ukraine as he is scheduled to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The mission is to invite Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to open a space for dialogue in the context of peace because war must be stopped, and also for those related to the food supply chain that must be reactivated, he said.

With the same mission, the head of state will continue his working visit to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin.

“From Ukraine I will go to Russia to meet President Vladimir Putin. Once again, with the same mission, I will invite President Putin to open a space for dialogue and as soon as possible to carry out a ceasefire and stop the war,” Jokowi said.

After Europe, the president will go to the United Arab Emirates in order to resume discussions on economic cooperation and investment between Indonesia and this Middle Eastern country.

President Jokowi emphasized that his visit abroad this time is not only for the benefit of Indonesia but also for the interests of other developing countries.

“This visit is not only important for Indonesia, but also important for developing countries to prevent peoples of developing and low-income countries from falling into extreme poverty and hunger,” he said.

During President Jokowi’s overseas visits, the government will be run by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.

“As long as I am abroad, the government will be led by the vice president,” the head of state stated..

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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