Yogyakarta Sultan learns rafting tourism in Australia

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X who is also Yogyakarta’s governor paid a working visit to Sydney, Australia, to collect information on developing and managing rafting sports tourism from the local management, the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney said in a statement received by Indonesia Window here on Tuesday.
“My visit to Sydney is part of our effort to develop rafting tourism facilities which are expected to be built in the vicinity of the international airport in Kulon Progro, Yogyakarta. The development is aimed at improving the tourism sector in Yogyakarta,” Sri Sultan explained.
The rafting tour in Sydney is located at Penrith Whitewater Stadium, about 70 km from downtown Sydney.
Sri Sultan and delegation members received an explanation of the construction and management of the rafting tourism from some staff members.
In addition to Sydney, Sri Sultan also visited the state of Victoria, which has a sister provincial cooperation with Yogyakarta.
Meanwhile during his sojourn in Australia, Sri Sultan also visited the Indonesian community consisting of students, businessmen and Indonesian diaspora in Australia, the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Sydney, Heru Hartanto Subolo, said, adding that 2019 was a special year for Indonesia and Australia.
“Not only is this year the 74th anniversary of Indonesian independence, but it is also the 70th anniversary of bilateral relations between Indonesia and Australia,” Consul General Subolo said.
Reporting by Indonesia Window