Indonesian Religious Minister, Saudi counterpart discuss hajj services

Tawfiq F Al Rabiah, who is the Saudi Minister of Hajj and Umrah, and his Indonesian counterpart, Nasaruddin Umar, discussed efforts to improve services for Indonesian hajj pilgrims in Jeddah, January 12, 2025.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs, Nasaruddin Umar, met with Saudi Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfiq F Al Rabiah, during his visit to Saudi Arabia in Jeddah, January 12, 2025, and discussed efforts to improve services for Indonesian hajj pilgrims.
The Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs conveyed this after leading a meeting at the Hajj Affairs Office at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Jeddah, said the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs in a written statement as quoted by Indonesia Window.
“Our discussion has three components, and all of them are in order to improve services for Indonesian hajj pilgrims,” the Indonesian Minister said in Jeddah, Wednesday.
First, the Minister requested additional hajj officers, while explaining that Indonesian pilgrims have been waiting a very long time to be able to perform the hajj, therefore, many of them are elderly.
Based on data from the Integrated Hajj Computerized System (Siskohat) at Indonesia’s Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah, elderly pilgrims aged 65 years and over who are entitled to pay off the 2025 Hajj Pilgrimage Costs (according to the order of portion numbers) number more than 42 thousand.
In addition, there are around 10 thousand priority quotas that are also allocated for elderly pilgrims during this year’s hajj season.
Some of the elderly pilgrims have limitations, therefore for the success of the hajj, they must have a companion. Meanwhile, the current quota for Indonesian hajj officials is only 2,210.
“If we only have the number of officials as now, one plane is planned to only be accompanied by three flight group officials. How is it possible that 400 people or more than 300, are only guided by three people,” the Minister said.
“Not to mention the gender division between men and women. It is impossible for men to serve women. This is the point that we must recalculate the number of men and women,” he continued.
Regarding the information on the age restriction of 90 years and above, the Minister hopes that the benchmark is not age, but the istithaah (ability or capability to do something) requirement, because there are also many pilgrims aged 90 years and above but are physically healthy and able to do activities.
Second, the Minister of Religion lobbied the Saudi Minister of Hajj so that officials would be exempted from the entrance fee of Masyair (Arafah-Muzdalifah-Mina).
This provision will reportedly be implemented by Saudi Arabia during the 1446 H Hajj season. “We conveyed that if possible we would make it free of charge like last year,” he said.
Third, the Minister conveyed the Tanazul scheme (a mechanism for returning pilgrims from one group to another) to the Saudi Minister of Hajj.
The Minister explained that the Tanazul scheme is to provide an opportunity for pilgrims who live around Jamarat to return to their hotels (not occupying tents in Mina) during the Mabit (overnight) time.
They will later take the opportunity to spend the night in the area around Jamarat (a place in Mina used by pilgrims to throw pebbles).
After that, they return to their respective hotels to rest.
“This scheme will reduce the density in Mina. The number of Indonesian pilgrims is very large and this scheme is felt to have an effect on reducing density,” he said.
The Minister added that many countries consider Indonesia’s hajj management to be very good, and therefore many countries come to learn how to manage hajj in Indonesia.
In addition to meeting the Minister of Hajj and Umrah, during his visit to Saudi Arabia, the Indonesian Minister also met several stakeholders providing hajj services.
“We also thank the Saudi Arabian Government for designing the hajj program very well. I think this is also an obsession of the Indonesian government so that this year’s hajj will be better than before,” the Indonesian Minister said.
Reporting by Indonesia Window