British Muslim scholar Sheikh Ali Hammuda calls on Indonesian Muslims to spread peace, kindness

Sheikh Ali Hammuda, an Islamic scholar from the UK, has delivered motivational messages to Muslims in Indonesia, urging them to spread ‘salam’ (peace) and kindness, as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did when he arrived in Madinah during his migration journey (hijra).
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Sheikh Ali Hammuda, an Islamic scholar from the UK, has delivered motivational messages to Muslims in Indonesia, urging them to spread ‘salam’ (peace) and kindness, as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did when he arrived in Madinah during his migration journey (hijra).
“When the Prophet (peace be upon him) arrived in Madinah, he was welcomed with great joy by the people of Madinah. Some even approached him in the midst of a crowd to see him, and when a man saw his face, he acknowledged that it was not the face of a liar,” Sheikh Hammuda said while delivering his speech at the international Islamic event, CONN3CT, held here, on Sunday.
He continued, when welcomed by the people of Madinah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) conveyed his message, “O mankind, spread peace, feed the hungry, maintain family ties, pray at night when others are asleep, and you will enter Paradise in peace.”
Sheikh Hammuda emphasized that the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) statement was not just for Muslims or the believers, but for all of humanity.

According to him, the Prophet’s message empowered the people of Madinah at that time and all of mankind thereafter.
Spreading peace (salam), he continued, is a collective project that will empower the community. “This is one of the best aspects of Islam.”
He further emphasized that spreading peace, both to people you know and those you don’t, is essential to achieving social, economic, family, and spiritual security.
Sheikh Hammuda, who holds a master’s degree in architecture and planning from the University of the West of England, called on Muslims in Indonesia to spread peace, maintain family relationships as the foundation for building the nation, and take responsibility for their own families.

The annual international event, CONN3CT, organized by The Strong Minor Project, took place on January 11-12, 2025, in Jakarta, featuring Indonesian Muslim scholars as well as four international scholars from three countries.
In addition to Sheikh Ali Hammuda from the UK, Mufti Menk from Zimbabwe, Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem from Saudi Arabia, and Sheikh Abu Taymiyyah from the UK also delivered inspiring talks at CONN3CT.
Besides the scholars from those three countries, Indonesian Muslim scholars, Ustadz Khalid Basalamah and Ustadz Subhan Bawazier, also delivered Islamic lectures to around 7,000 attendees at CONN3CT.
Reporting by Indonesia Window