
Indonesian president launches digital connectivity program 2021

Indonesian President Joko Widodo launched the 2021 Digital Connectivity program at the State Palace, Jakarta on Friday (February 26, 2021). (The Indonesian Cabinet Secretariat)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian President Joko Widodo launched the 2021 Digital Connectivity program at the State Palace, Jakarta on Friday.

In his remarks, the head of state said that to realize the national connectivity, not only would the government build physical connectivity, but also digital connectivity across the archipelagic country.

“The government has worked hard to build the national connectivity. In addition to building sea tolls, railroad networks, toll roads, roads in border areas, airports and seaports, we also build digital connectivity that connects all corners of the archipelago via ‘sky tolls’,” he said.

According to the president, the development of connectivity, is not only for economic interests, but also aimed at strengthening the unity and integrity of Indonesia as a great nation.

“This (the connectivity) is also to unify our country, accelerate education services, accelerate health services, and support the cultural synergy of the archipelago,” the head of state said.


“I hope that the 2021 Digital Connectivity program will become an important momentum that can connect the Indonesian nation with new technology, new mindset, new global business opportunities, and with a new future towards Indonesia as an advanced country,” the president said.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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