Indonesia proposes inclusive creative for World Creative Economy Year 2021

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The role of the creative economy in restoring the global economy has prompted Indonesia to propose Inclusively Creative: A Global Recovery for a theme in the International Year of the World Creative Economy 2021.
The idea was discussed at the Friends of Creative Economy (FCE) meeting held by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a hybrid basis on November 11-12, 2020, according to a written statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by Indonesia Window here on Friday.
“We believe that inclusiveness provides equal opportunities regardless of backgrounds. The creative economy will bridge people to be more solid,” Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela H. Tanoesoedibjo said at the opening of the event.
“The pandemic has triggered digital disruption, and now is the time to overcome challenges and seize opportunities for digitalization and its impact on the creative economy sector,” she added.
On the same occasion, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mahendra Siregar underlined the importance of turning challenges into opportunities by connecting the creative economy sectors, increasing creative industry access to financial inclusion, and strengthening international collaboration.
He stressed that the implementation of the International Year of the Creative Economy should be inclusive and action-oriented.
Meanwhile, the Director General of Multilateral Cooperation at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Febrian Ruddyard, said there are four main parameters in the international year, namely inclusive, innovative, meaningful and impactful.
Those four keys are important to ensure that the implementation of the International Year would have a real contribution in reviving a strong creative sector that plays a role in global economic recovery.
Indonesia is also planning to hold the 2nd World Conference on Creative Economy (WCCE), in Bali in mid-2021.
The FCE 2020 meeting which was participated by creative economy actors, government workers, activists, and academics from 55 countries and eight international organizations also identified some international programs and initiatives to commemorate the international year in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The 2021 International Year of the World Creative Economy is determined by the United Nations through General Assembly Resolution No. 74/198 based on Indonesia’s proposal.
Reporting by Indonesia Window